Monday, February 18, 2008


He Still is Cute

Mediocre Travis has the sweetest post about me on his blog.

I am not sure why, but I still think he is kinda cute.....Something about him is kinda sexy! Anyway, MT and the rest of the TOT cannot tell sometimes that I am just joking when I pick at them.

Today is President's Day here in America and I have the day off! We use to celebrate Washington's Birthday and Lincoln's Birthday separately...then someone had the bright idea to celebrate all of our former presidents in one national holiday. Sadly, there are some presidents that I would like to forget. Thank God we have less than one year left of George W Bush.

I for one have been hoping that Hillary Clinton would be elected, but that is up in the air at this point. There is something about Barack Obama that I just don't like...I read this morning on Towleroad that a recent speech of his is almost identical to one given by a governor! Plagiarism!

If you have not heard, the Madonna blog is allowing fans the opportunity of posting Album title ideas for Madonna's new album!

Sunday, February 17, 2008


After today, I am going to give up listening to Connie Francis music....It is a sacrifice---but one I am willing to make....In this spirit, I think MT and MS B should give up something as important! I will be waiting to hear about what they are giving up!

It's Not TOO Late

It is not too late for MT and Ms B to join Alcina in giving up something for Lent. I think Alcina has done a noble gesture by giving up blogging for Lent. I decided that I would give you all some ideas of some things you could give up for Lent. It is never too late to begin!

1. Ms B could give up her bitchiness for Lent.
2. MT could give up his use of curse words for Lent.
3. Ms B could give up using makeup for Lent
4. MT could give up sex for Lent (oops---he has already been doing that!)
5. MT and Ms B could give up speaking ill of the Madonna blog

Thursday, February 14, 2008



Happy Valentine's Day!

A Gift to the TOT! I forgive you.

A gift to all of my other friends!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I have not posted in some time due to the fact that I have been recovering from being sick...I have also been so HURT by the posts placed on my blog by the TOT. I normally do not let things bother me, but the TOT web sites and posts here have upset me so much, that I almost decided to stop blogging all together.

BUT then a friend told me that I am better than that....Noone should steal my sunshine! I will rise like yeast in bread. I will rise like the sun.

It is refreshing to realize that when you are down and out or in a sad mood, there is always other people out there who are in a lot worse shape than you are. For instance, watch these Brenda Dickson videos....Bless her heart!

I learned so much from her in this videos.....Did you know that "fruits are predigested"????? Brenda reveals that you should cut your calories in half if you want to lose weight! So informative! I did not realize until I watched her video that mushrooms are a type of vegetable! Did you?

I'm still hurt from the insults hurled at me by the TOT!

When I want to laugh, I listen to this dreadful video starring CHER singing a remake of the Madonna classic Frozen.

Friday, February 1, 2008


Shelby Lynne

I love Shelby! Always have...and now her new album is filled with Dusty Springfield covers! Though Dusty is "da bomb" and cannot be duplicated, this new album by Shelby Lynn is superb.

Click on the links below to listen and watch some excellent Shelby videos! :)

LIVE and Shelby Lynne

Alcina Misses Me

I just read Alcina's blog...I am touched about how you missed me! I was a little hurt that Mediocre Travis and Ms Bitch never mentioned my absence on their blogs. How mediocre! How bitchy! At least one of the Trinity of Terror has some artistic intregrity and class!

Rumors of My Demise are Untrue

I am not dead.....I have been sick though. I had pneumonia, believe it or not. Today is the first day that I have felt like doing anything. I was in the hospital a few days, but I have been home for a week or so recuperating. My little bird had missed me so much while I was gone. I know that the Trinity of Terror were all hoping that I had kicked the bucket. I know that the TOT will be sad to hear that I am back.

I really practiced some random acts of kindness the past few weeks.....

1. I told my male nurse at the hospital how cute he was.
2. I emailed everyone in my address book in Outlock Express to go to Mediocre Travis' web site so they could learn how not to write a blog. I felt that this act of kindness would help them learn how to create superior blogs by recognizing what was wrong with MT's.
3. I left an old Mariah Carey CD that I bought years ago in the hospital waiting room so that someone else might enjoy the music of that old hag. A friend had the audacity to bring a few CDs for me from home and found that old CD somehow!
4. I voted for Hillary Clinton. Since I have been sick, I got an absentee ballot and voted. I hope she cleans up this mess that Bush has created. It took a Clinton to clean up the mess of the first President Bush and it will take another Clinton to clean up the mess made by this Bush.
5. I gave a little kid a dollar while I was in the hospital.

Now that I am feeling better, I will post every day.

Sorry I have been AWOL, but I know you all understand.