Sunday, April 27, 2008
Your barking up the WRONG TREE
Mental Health HOTLINE 1-800-SUICIDE
How to Help Yourself
What would drive someone to actually try and kill themselves? For years, our guest, Melanie, was told she was worthless, lazy, crazy, and would never amount to anything. She and other callers share their stories of suicide attempts and how they feel about surviving. Dr. Kumar provides insight into psychological aspects of suicide. Here are some ways to help yourself if you're feeling suicidal:
1. Tell your therapist, a friend, a family member, or someone else who can help.
2. Distance yourself from any means of suicide. If you are thinking of taking an overdose, give your medicines to someone who can give them to you one day at a time. Remove any dangerous objects or weapons from your home.
3. Avoid alcohol and other drugs of abuse.
4. Avoid doing things you're likely to fail at or find difficult until you're feeling better. Know what your present limits are and don't try to go beyond them until you feel better. Set realistic goals for yourself and work at them slowly, one step at a time.
5. Make a written schedule for yourself every day and stick to it no matter what. Set priorities for the things that need to be done first. Cross things out on your schedule as you finish them. A written schedule gives you a sense of predictability and control. Crossing out tasks as you complete them gives a feeling of accomplishment.
6. In your daily schedule don't forget to schedule at least two 30-minute periods for activities which in the past have given you some pleasure such as: listening to music, playing a musical instrument, meditating doing relaxation exercises, doing needlework, reading a book or magazine, taking a warm bath, sewing, writing, shopping, playing games, watching your favorite DVD or video, gardening, playing with your pet, participating in a hobby, taking a drive or a walk.
7. Take care of your physical health. Eat a well-balanced diet. Don't skip meals. Get as much sleep as you need, and go out for one or two 30-minute walks each day.
8. Make sure you spend at least 30-minutes a day in the sun. Bright light is good for everyone with depression, not just people with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
9. You may not feel very social but make yourself talk to other people. Whether you talk about your feelings or about any other topic, reducing your social isolation is likely to be helpful.
Remember that while it may feel as if it will never end, depression is not a permanent condition.
The National Hopeline Network 1-800-SUICIDE provides access to trained telephone counselors, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Or for a crisis center in your area, go here.
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-SUICIDE
LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
Depression Hotline: 630-482-9696
* Depression Screening: Since untreated depression is a major contributor to suicide, free depression screening is offered year round to anyone. Children from age 6 and above can be screened. This has often been the first step in the process. Many clients have told SPS that being able to walk through the door, have the screening done, and get help, has been the first step in a successful journey out of depression.
* Depression Hotline: Our empathic paraprofessionals are trained to counsel callers with any personal problems, such as anxiety, alcohol, family, school, and sexuality, and are prepared to work with the lonely, the depressed, and the suicidal.
* Information and Referral: Operators provide information about the availability of social services of a health or mental health nature in Kane County, Illinois.
* 1-800-SUICIDE Emergency Service: Operators are trained to help people through such emergencies as attempted suicide, drug overdose, and psychotic episodes.
* My Buddy: Volunteer operators call or visit shut-ins daily or on specific pre-arranged days to check on their well-being. Buddy Calls are provided free of charge on either a temporary or long-term basis.
* Who are SPS Hotline Operators? Our hotline volunteer paraprofessionals are concerned community members from every social, economic, and educational background. Volunteer paraprofessionals are taught about emergency procedures, telephone counseling techniques and methods of providing social service information. Lectures cover topics such as basic psychology, suicide, psychotherapeutic techniques, drugs, alcohol, rape, incest, domestic violence, and adolescent and family problems. During the training, volunteers are given an opportunity to practice being an operator through role-playing exercises, as well as on-the-line training. Credit is offered through approved colleges. Training is available throughout the year to accommodate each person's schedule and lifestyle.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Just Say Julie
The Madonna parody aired on Showtime here in the US back in the early 90s. I have the entire show on VHS somewhere---I saw online that you can now buy it on DVD! It is funny......There are some YOUTUBE clips of it online. I have to agree with some TOT members that it is probably the best parody of Madonna....VAGUE--PARTY IN MY PANTS! Priceless!
NOW___Remember that MTV used to also have DOWNTOWN JULIE BROWN as well!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Como tu suave matador
La constancia de tu querer
La alegria bajo el bisel
Malagueña de ojos negros
Malagueña de mis sueños
Me estoy muriendo de pena
Por tu, solo tu querer
Malagueña de bonita
Te quiero besar
Malagueña de ojos negros
Malagueña de mis sueños
Me estoy muriendo de pena
Por tu, solo tu querer
This is the Babelfish translation---hahaha
The love I take towards smooth you Like the your killing certainty of your wanting alegria under the bevel Malagueña of black eyes Malagueña of my dreams I am dying of pain By your, single one your to want Malagueña of pretty I want to You to kiss Malagueña of black eyes Malagueña of my dreams I am dying of pain By your, single one your to want Malagueña
Originally the sixth movement of the Suite Andalucia by Ernesto Lecuona, who also provided it with Spanish lyrics, the song Malagueña has since become a popular, jazz, marching band, and drum corps standard and has been provided with lyrics in several languages.
A German language version, sung by Caterina Valente, with Werner Müller's Orchestra, was popular in the United States (not making the Billboard chart, but charting on Cash Box, peaking at position #42) in February 1955. English lyrics have been written by Marion Banks. A later charting version was recorded by Connie Francis in 1960, and charted at #42 on Billboard as the flip side of her #1 pop smash "My Heart Has A Mind Of Its Own." Bill Holman's arrangement for the Stan Kenton Orchestra which appeared on the 1961 album Adventures in Jazz turned Malagueña from a flamenco genre piece into a fiery big band showpiece[1].
Over the years, “Malagueña” has been performed numerous times by the University of Massachusetts Amherst Marching Band, and as such, has become one of the songs most identified with the group [2]. The University of Minnesota hockey pep band also plays the song after each home win by their men's hockey team. The Madison Scouts Drum and Bugle Corps also often feature the song, and won their second DCI World Championship with a program including the work. Other corps to perform the piece include the Boston Crusaders, The Cadets, and the Hawthorne Caballeros as well as the Hanover (PA) Lancers. One of the most notable performances of this piece in recent years has been as part of the Broadway musical Blast!, a fusion of Corps style musical arrangements and field (stage) movements with traditional theatric elements.
Rock versions have included an instrumental version by Bill Haley & His Comets recorded live in Sweden in 1968 (it was a staple of their live shows in the 1960s and 1970s, usually performed by guitarist Nick Nastos). An instrumental version by Ritchie Valens was released years after his death. A surf instrumental version of Malagueña has been performed by the Trashmen and the Bambi Molesters, as well as in part of an arrangement of Misirlou by Dick Dale and others. The genealogy of this arrangement is not known. Other instrumental versions were provided by Brian Setzer in his album "ignition" and by Dave Salyer in his Album "Red Hot Guitar"
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Denial and the TOT
Denial is the refusal to acknowledge the existence or severity of unpleasant external realities or internal thoughts and feelings.
Theory of denial
In psychology, denial is a concept originating with the psychodynamic theories of Sigmund Freud. According to Freud, three mental dynamics, or motivating forces, influence human behavior: the id, ego, and superego. The id consists of basic survival instincts and what Freud believed to be the two dominant human drives: sex and aggression. If the id were the only influence on behavior, humans would exclusively seek to increase pleasure, decrease pain, and achieve immediate gratification of desires. The ego consists of logical and rational thinking. It enables humans to analyze the realistic risks and benefits of a situation, to tolerate some pain for future profit, and to consider alternatives to the impulse-driven behavior of the id. The superego consists of moralistic standards and forms the basis of the conscience. Although the superego is essential to a sense of right and wrong, it can also include extreme, unrealistic ideas about what one should and should not do.
These three forces all have different goals (id, pleasure; ego, reality; superego, morality) and continually strive for dominance, resulting in internal conflict. This conflict produces anxiety. The ego, which functions as a mediator between the two extremes of the id and the superego, attempts to reduce this anxiety by using defense mechanisms. Defense mechanisms are indirect ways of dealing or coping with anxiety, such as explaining problems away or blaming others for problems. Denial is one of many defense mechanisms. It entails ignoring or refusing to believe an unpleasant reality. Defense mechanisms protect one's psychological wellbeing in traumatic situations, or in any situation that produces anxiety or conflict. However, they do not resolve the anxiety-producing situation and, if overused, can lead to psychological disorders. Although Freud's model of the id, ego, and superego is not emphasized by most psychologists today, defense mechanisms are still regarded as potentially maladaptive behavioral patterns that may lead to psychological disorders.
Examples of denial
Death is a common occasion for denial. When someone learns of the sudden, unexpected death of a loved one, at first he or she may not be able to accept the reality of this loss. The initial denial protects that person from the emotional shock and intense grief that often accompanies news of death. Chronic or terminal illnesses also encourage denial. People with such illnesses may think, "It's not so bad; I'll get over it," and refuse to make any lifestyle changes.
Denial can also apply to internal thoughts and feelings. For instance, some children are taught that anger is wrong in any situation. As adults, if these individuals experience feelings of anger, they are likely to deny their feelings to others. Cultural standards and expectations can encourage denial of subjective experience. Men who belong to cultures with extreme notions of masculinity may view fear as a sign of weakness and deny internal feelings of fear. The Chinese culture is thought to discourage the acknowledgment of mental illness, resulting in individuals denying their psychological symptoms and often developing physical symptoms instead.
Certain personality disorders tend to be characterized by denial more than others. For example, those with narcissistic personality disorder deny information that suggests they are not perfect. Antisocial behavior is characterized by denial of the harm done to others (such as with sexual offenders or substance abusers).
Denial can also be exhibited on a large scale— among groups, cultures, or even nations. Lucy Bregman gives an example of national denial of imminent mortality in the 1950s: school children participated in drills in which they hid under desks in preparation for atomic attacks. Another example of large-scale denial is the recent assertion by some that the World War II Holocaust never occurred.
Treatment of denial
Denial is treated differently in different types of therapy. In psychoanalytic therapy, denial is regarded as an obstacle to progress that must eventually be confronted and interpreted. Timing is important, however. Psychoanalytic therapists wait until clients appear emotionally ready or have some degree of insight into their problems before confronting them. In the humanistic and existential therapies, denial is considered the framework by which clients understand their world. Not directly confronting denial, therapists assist clients in exploring their world view and considering alternative ways of being. In cognitive-behavioral therapies, denial is not regarded as an important phenomenon. Rather, denial would suggest that an individual has not learned the appropriate behaviors to cope with a stressful situation. Therapists assist individuals in examining their current thoughts and behaviors and devising strategic ways to make changes.
Traditional treatment programs for substance abuse and other addictions view denial as a central theme. Such programs teach that in order to overcome addiction, one must admit to being an alcoholic or addict. Those who are unable to accept such labels are informed they are in denial. Even when the labels are accepted, individuals are still considered to be in denial if they do not acknowledge the severity of their addictions. From this perspective, progress cannot be made until individuals recognize the extent of their denial and work toward acceptance. However, there is much controversy in the field of addictions regarding the role of denial and how it should be addressed. Traditional programs stress direct confrontation. Other professionals do not insist on the acceptance of labels. They believe that denial should be worked through more subtly, empathically focusing on the personal reasons surrounding denial and seeking to strengthen the desire to change. This subtle form of addressing denial is known as motivational enhancement therapy, and can be used with other types of disorders as well.
How many different ways can I Speak the TRUTH?
Ich bin nicht der Autor des Madonna blog!
Я не буду автором blog Madonna!
Non sono l'autore del blog di Madonna!
¡No soy el autor del blog de Madonna!
私はMadonna のblog の著者でない!
Eu não sou o autor do blog de Madonna!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Another Ode to a Tote Bag

Ode to tote bags
I love a good canvas tote bag. They’re useful in so many different, wonderful ways…
* Groceries! They’re much more eco-friendly than building up a large collection of paper/plastic. You can also fit a lot more in them and they won’t bust open at the bottom.
* Going to the LIBRARY! You can fit lots of books in them.
* For a day around town. You can fit books in there, an Ipod, my Mediocre Travis photo album, a granola bar, a bottled water, etc.
* Picnics! They make a nice alternative to a picnic basket. You can fit all sorts of things in a tote bag.
* Camping. You can fit groceries, plates, etc in them.
* Overnight trips. Just going away for the evening? Stuff you belongings in a nice canvas tote.
* An alternative to a gym bag.
TOTE BAGS! Yes, tote bags. I recommend them to all.
Ode to a Tote Bag
Many Starts, Mini Finishes
There once was a quilter named Min,
Whatever she'd see, she'd begin.
A large quilt, a small quilt,
A doll quilt, a wall quilt.
"I'll finish these later," said Min.
"Now what shall I start on today?
I guess it will be applique.
Some birds in a group,
I'll frame with a hoop.
Today, though, I'll put them away.
I think I will make a new vest,
In silk, or cotton would be best --
Trapunto I'll do,
Then Sunbonnet Sue!
But now I will give them a rest.
A tote bag I've wanted to sew,
And then I'll try quilt-as-you-go.
A radiant Star
For next year's bazaar --
Just when they'll be done, I don't know.
For Christmas I've got projects galore --
A tree skirt, a wreath for the door.
I'll make a soft box,
And red quilted socks,
And what's not completed, I'll store."
"Is anything finished?" asked Son.
Her answer could only be, "None."
So, Min made a vow:
She would not allow
More new projects -- well, maybe just one.
Zeno of Elea (circa 450 b.c.) is credited with creating several famous paradoxes, but by far the best known is the paradox of the Tortoise and Achilles. (Achilles was the great Greek hero of Homer's The Illiad.) It has inspired many writers and thinkers through the ages, notably Lewis Carroll and Douglas Hofstadter, who also wrote dialogues involving the Tortoise and Achilles.
The original goes something like this:
The Tortoise challenged Achilles to a race, claiming that he would win as long as Achilles gave him a small head start. Achilles laughed at this, for of course he was a mighty warrior and swift of foot, whereas the Tortoise was heavy and slow.
“How big a head start do you need?” he asked the Tortoise with a smile.
“Ten meters,” the latter replied.
Achilles laughed louder than ever. “You will surely lose, my friend, in that case,” he told the Tortoise, “but let us race, if you wish it.”
“On the contrary,” said the Tortoise, “I will win, and I can prove it to you by a simple argument.”
“Go on then,” Achilles replied, with less confidence than he felt before. He knew he was the superior athlete, but he also knew the Tortoise had the sharper wits, and he had lost many a bewildering argument with him before this.
“Suppose,” began the Tortoise, “that you give me a 10-meter head start. Would you say that you could cover that 10 meters between us very quickly?”
“Very quickly,” Achilles affirmed.
“And in that time, how far should I have gone, do you think?”
“Perhaps a meter – no more,” said Achilles after a moment's thought.
“Very well,” replied the Tortoise, “so now there is a meter between us. And you would catch up that distance very quickly?”
“Very quickly indeed!”
“And yet, in that time I shall have gone a little way farther, so that now you must catch that distance up, yes?”
“Ye-es,” said Achilles slowly.
“And while you are doing so, I shall have gone a little way farther, so that you must then catch up the new distance,” the Tortoise continued smoothly.
Achilles said nothing.
“And so you see, in each moment you must be catching up the distance between us, and yet I – at the same time – will be adding a new distance, however small, for you to catch up again.”
“Indeed, it must be so,” said Achilles wearily.
“And so you can never catch up,” the Tortoise concluded sympathetically.
“You are right, as always,” said Achilles sadly – and conceded the race.
Zeno's Paradox may be rephrased as follows. Suppose I wish to cross the room. First, of course, I must cover half the distance. Then, I must cover half the remaining distance. Then, I must cover half the remaining distance. Then I must cover half the remaining distance . . . and so on forever. The consequence is that I can never get to the other side of the room.
What this actually does is to make all motion impossible, for before I can cover half the distance I must cover half of half the distance, and before I can do that I must cover half of half of half of the distance, and so on, so that in reality I can never move any distance at all, because doing so involves moving an infinite number of small intermediate distances first.
Now, since motion obviously is possible, the question arises, what is wrong with Zeno? What is the "flaw in the logic?" If you are giving the matter your full attention, it should begin to make you squirm a bit, for on its face the logic of the situation seems unassailable. You shouldn't be able to cross the room, and the Tortoise should win the race! Yet we know better. Hmm.
Rather than tackle Zeno head-on, let us pause to notice something remarkable. Suppose we take Zeno's Paradox at face value for the moment, and agree with him that before I can walk a mile I must first walk a half-mile. And before I can walk the remaining half-mile I must first cover half of it, that is, a quarter-mile, and then an eighth-mile, and then a sixteenth-mile, and then a thirty-secondth-mile, and so on. Well, suppose I could cover all these infinite number of small distances, how far should I have walked? One mile! In other words,
At first this may seem impossible: adding up an infinite number of positive distances should give an infinite distance for the sum. But it doesn't – in this case it gives a finite sum; indeed, all these distances add up to 1! A little reflection will reveal that this isn't so strange after all: if I can divide up a finite distance into an infinite number of small distances, then adding all those distances together should just give me back the finite distance I started with. (An infinite sum such as the one above is known in mathematics as an infinite series, and when such a sum adds up to a finite number we say that the series is summable.)
Now the resolution to Zeno's Paradox is easy. Obviously, it will take me some fixed time to cross half the distance to the other side of the room, say 2 seconds. How long will it take to cross half the remaining distance? Half as long – only 1 second. Covering half of the remaining distance (an eighth of the total) will take only half a second. And so one. And once I have covered all the infinitely many sub-distances and added up all the time it took to traverse them? Only 4 seconds, and here I am, on the other side of the room after all.
And poor old Achilles would have won his race.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Address for TRAVIS
I will be waiting for your information soon!
The first step on the road to rediscovery involves spending time with you, which is why I liken the process to dating yourself. When you began dating your last partner or the person you share your life with, didn’t you move heaven and earth to make time for them?
When you were with them, didn’t you go out of your way to get to know them? What if you were to take a similar approach to rediscovering yourself?
I have decided to share some “baby steps” you can take to get reacquainted with yourself. I will write several posts on the topic in the coming weeks. I know that all of you will participate
Your first task is to answer these questions:
- What were your favorite high school courses? College courses? Why?
- What activities do you enjoy and why?
- If you could do anything, what would it be, and why would you choose it?
- If you could study any subject(s) what would it/they be and why?
- When you walk into a bookstore or library, what books attract you most and why?
- Would you rather work with people, things, ideas, information/data, or some combination of two or more?
- What types of people do you enjoy working or socializing with and why?
- Music Classes because I have a beautiful singing voice and I love to sing.
- I love everything artistic (music, art, drama) so that I can express myself and not repress myself!
- I would require world peace to be the mantra of all mankind because if we all loved one another, everything would be fine.
- I would like to know more about philosophy and Kaballah.
- I usually am drawn to mystery novels and magazines.
- I like to work with people, information, and ideas because we all have information and ideas to share. I am a person who needs People because People are the luckiest people in the world.
- I enjoy socializing with fun, beautiful people who are not vain as a certain member of the Trinity of Terror.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Dedicated to Andy, Whitney Houston, and the TOT
What song is more dreadful????????

YOU MUST go to TINA's website---You will hear her rendition of Gimme More.....It is dreadful.....

This You Tube video clip....Words cannot describe how you will feel when you listen and watch this video!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Pascal's Wager

"God is or He is not...Let us weigh the gain and the loss in choosing...'God is.' If you gain, you gain all, if you lose, you lose nothing. Wager, then, unhesitatingly, that He is."
Are you a betting person? Would you bet on God or against God? Would you bet that God exists or doesn't? Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) did exactly that, he bet or made a wager on God.
Blaise Pascal was an accomplished French mathematician, scientist, philosopher, and religious writer. His achievements and inventions include: (1) A published essay on conic sections that helped develop differential calculus, (2) at age 18, built the world's first computer. The computer language PASCAL is named in his honor, (3) investigated the problem of the vacuum and then invented the syringe, barometer, and hydraulic press, (4) developed the world's first public transportation system, (5) developed probability theory with Fermat, and (6) authored a religious polemic considered the first great masterpiece of French prose.
The Pensees
Pascal's last and unfinished written work is the Pensees. The Pensees is made up of approximately 1000 fragments largely dealing with philosophic/religious topics. It is clear that this writing is a defense of the Christian religion. The French word pensee means "to think." The title of Pascal's work is translated into English as "Thoughts."
The Wager
What is Pascal's Wager anyway? Pascal's Wager is usually referred to as an argument which requires the one bet on God's existence. Pascal puts it this way in words:
"Let us examine this point and declare: 'Either God exists, or He does not.' To view shall we incline? Reason cannot decide for us one way or the other: we are separated by an infinite gulf. At the extremity of this infinite distance a game is in progress, where either heads or tails may turn up. What will you wager? According to reason you cannot bet either way; according to reason you can defend neither proposition �. 'Both are wrong. The right thing is not to wager at all.' Yes, but a bet must be laid. There is no option: you have joined the game."
Of course, Pascal's Wager is actually a mathematical proof that shows it is wiser to believe in God. Mathematically speaking, Pascal's Wager goes as follows:
Suppose there is a nonzero number e (perhaps extremely small) that is the probability of there being a God. If there is no God, and you believe in God anyway, then, although you will be deluded, and although you may suffer the ridicule of atheists (for nothing), your loss will not be enormous. Let us say that it will not exceed 1 "felz" of happiness. Hence the mathematical expectation of believing in God is at least:
e x 2/e - (1 - e) x 1 = 1 + e
On the other hand, if there is not God and you do not believe in God, you may gain a little but not more than, say, 1 "felz" of happiness. However, if there is a God and you do not choose to believe in Him, then you will not get anything good out of your not believing in Him. The mathematical expectation of not believing in God is thus less than:
(1 - e) x 1 + e x 0 = 1 - e
Since 1+e > 1-e, and since, other things being equal, a wise person will act in such a way as to maximize the expectation of their happiness, it follows that, other things being equal, a wise person will choose to believe in God.
Pascal's Wager is an argument appealing to the mind. If it succeeds then it does so by setting the individual on a path that will make it possible for him/her to recognize God's grace when it is offered.

Who's Sorry Now?

Friday, April 18, 2008
Celine Dion Poetry Competition INVITATION
QUIZZES for you to TAKE!!!!!
What Madonna Movie are you?
I was Desperately Seeking Susan....but my name is not Susan!
After love! After love! After love! After love!
Millions of people
Strong Enough
Cher you rock my world
She is a woman of beaty
She live's her into the music
She rock's worlds
She makes people believe
She gave her life to fame
She gave it to public
Worlds have been lost in her
Wherever she may go
She will never sleep alone
Living people
Living heart's
Cher, i cannot tell you my story
Your music is still strong though you are a thousand miles away
CHER! ! ! ! The music is NO good without you! ! !
----Hanko Poolman
Travis' Lead has Evaporated
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Once in a Lifetime Offer
You may email M at the madonna blog and ask the Queen questions for an interview! The Queen will answer the questions as a post on the blog! Aren't you all excited!? Some of your many questions will now be answered!!!!
I will not be the one answering the questions since I do not write that blog---I know you will be disappointed!
Alcina, your first answer was correct---but the reason was wrong!
Have a nice day! Travis---Your random act of kindness of visiting my blog is sweet---but I think you could do more---Encourage everyone that visits your blog to come visit my site---Share the blessings with everyone you know!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Random Acts Revisited
1. Illegally download Madonna's new hit single. Burn a copy of it on an audio CD. Leave the CD in a public place for a stranger to enjoy.
2. Put change in a row of vending machines
3. Write a note of encouragement to M on her blog.
4. Send money to your favorite teacher from school. Tell the teacher how much you appreciated them. (Teachers always have to buy supplies out of their own pocket...You could also send the teacher a gift card!)
5. Donate art or a book to your local school library.
6. Tape some change to a payphone with a card saying it is for whoever needs it
Thus Began Terror's Unholy Trinity
Until Travis, Alcina, and Ms Bitch met,
The Favourable reception M's blog kept.
As I look up at the sky, so dark
I hear a wolf howl and bark,
It's eating a man, and this I can tell,
by the way it rips the fleash apart, then chucks it down a well.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
New Dedications to the Trinity of Terror
Words of Encouragement
If you want the Madonna blog to continue, post words of encouragement on the Madonna blog so that the truth may continue. I still think you would be surprised about the identity of the blogger.
I know some of you still think I write the Madonna blog.....For the 1290th time, NO I DO NOT WRITE THAT BLOG!
I am extremely busy these days, and my free time is limited. I will try to make some time to post more here. I know you all have missed me.
I am sorry about my SYBIL moment the other day. I am not sure what possessed me! Something strange is going on with me these days. Last night, I thought I was Mediocre! And you all know that I am superior in each and every way. but I digress!