Tuesday, August 17, 2010


What is going on? I have not posted all of these Julie Brown and Cher video clips on here. Who has been posting posts on my blog??? Has the Trinity of Terror somehow gotten my password? I will find out who has been doing this....and there will be hell to pay. I will determine who is responsible for this.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

This Video is not funny---My lawyers need to get on this

A Scene from Travis' Homecoming Dance

A Song for Travis

Cher Speaks!

Friday, August 13, 2010


Gift Ideas


Dedication----You Know This Song is For You....you know who you are


I spoke to the former author of the Madonna blog and the writer sadly reports that the Madonna blog no longer exists. The author is so busy with concerts, creating music, and raising money for children in Africa that the author of the Madonna blog cannot spend time with fans. THe writer of the blog is sad.

Alcina, you are not blocked from the Madonna blog because it no longer exists.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

You LIED--Dedicated to the Trinity of Terror

Rumors, Lies, and My Return from the Dead

I know you all have missed me this past year while I have been on vacation.....but I have been informed that many lies and rumors have been told by certain Trilogy of Terror members and I must set the record straight.

This is the only blog that I write....Any other bloggers who try to copy my style and genius are mere imitators. I know that that bitch who used to write the Madonna blog is jealous of me......She knows that money cannot buy what I have! My self respect....you go ahead and go to Malawi or whatever country you are visiting....Adopt some more kids! I don't care! You know you can never have what I have....and there is nothing more to say!

I am so sorry that I have neglected so many of you.....You have never been out of my mind, except for the Really Mediocre one....and you...well honey....I cannot even remember your name! You New Zealanders are so funny! or were you from Thailand....oh----it's all the same!