If Obama wins the Democratic nomination, I will not vote for him. I am a Hillary Clinton supporter and I have firmly decided today that if she is not the Democratic nominee, I will vote for John McCain.
In the 1980's, the term Reagan Democrats was coined. In 2008, the term McCain Democrat will be coined as he will be elected President if Obama is elected. My parents are staunch Democrats....and have never voted Republican. They told me last night that they would be voting for McCain if Obama gets the nomination. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin....It is his lack of experience---and his lack of judgement for belonging to a church that promotes such ridiculous views. If a white candidate for President belonged to a church that spoke about Hispanics or other people of color in a similar manner, that candidate would not have a shot in hell of winning an election. Why is OK for a black candidate to get a pass on this? He will not get a pass from me!
Obama and his pastor spoke months ago about keeping their distance from the campaign due to the controversial sermons and views of the church and the minister. Now---when Obama is getting some flack about it....now he makes out like he has never heard these comments of sermons! PLEASE! You are a member of a church for 20 years and you dont know about this? Do you think we are idiots? This church gave an award to Louis Farrakhan!
According to GovLink, Obama has only sponsored one bill that passed since he has been a US Senator!
I read this article on taylormarsh.com
The media, Obama and his supporters are underestimating the hardness now solidifying among many Clinton supporters who are saying they will never vote for Barack Obama. There have been grumblings since Obama made the statement that he could get Clinton voters, but she couldn't get his voters. But things have reached the tipping point.
Obama's campaign race baiting made it worse. It was added on to the media bias against Clinton, as well as subsequent squeals that had traditional media and Obama supporters, including the biggest blogs, parroting the patriarchy talking points. But calling her campaign and supporters racist, which was further aided by MSNBC's Keith Olbermann, was a final straw, especially since Obama playing the "hoodwink" card in South Carolina, then in Mississippi was ignored, as were other tactics, including targeting African American Clinton supporters through robo-calls that reportedly labeled them "Uncle Toms." But the Ferraro firestorm, topped with Reverend Wright and Obama's ignorance in how average Democrats are reacting to his reverend, is the final straw for many.
Playing Democratic voters as fools, Obama and his campaign believe his current stance and couched statement on Wright is sufficient. It is not. How can someone attend a church for 20 years, be as close to Wright as Obama is, which is beyond dispute, but not know what he's said? In fact, Obama knew so well what Wright would bring down that he disinvited him from his presidential announcement.
According to the pastor, Mr. Obama then told him, “You can get kind of rough in the sermons, so what we’ve decided is that it’s best for you not to be out there in public.”
Disinvitation by Obama Is Criticized
Obama knew exactly what Reverend Wright stood for, which is conveyed through his words, his sermons and his politics. Otherwise, why did he disinvite him from his presidential announcement? Senator Obama obviously thinks Democratic voters are stupid. It's insulting. And you don't have to turn towards McCain to be a turned off Democrat at the thought of Obama as the nominee. It's another judgment moment that reminds everyone of Tony Rezko. It's yet another example of politics as usual.
So as things stand today, if Clinton is not the Democratic nominee, which is anything but certain as things stand today, there will indeed be a new breed of voter out there, according to the emails flooding in to me: McCain Democrats. As a former Reagan Democrat I know the signs. To there numbers or impact I can't attest. I don't say this lightly either, and have no intention of being one of them. Buchanan's statement in the video above is just one sobering reality.
Take these two emails and multiply them by infinity, because they've been cascading in for weeks. These are representative of the latest, the Reverend Wright effect in full bloom:
I always knew that those who hated her hated with a vitriolic level that is incomprehensible, but I was not prepared for what has unfolded in blogs and newscasts across this country. The Rev. Wright stuff is so absolutely revolting I had to force myself to watch and listen. I was at a rally for Senator Clinton in Philadelphia on Tuesday. I volunteered to work on her campaign in the state of PA. I shook her hand, and listened to her intently. I watched my "black" mayor Michael Nutter so enthusiastically talk about HRC that I was already hyper inspired before she spoke her first words. I am appalled, disillusioned, worried (genuinely) about how this primary is going to play out. This is no longer just politics. This is about flaming racist overtones that I can see truly erupting in rioting in cities across America the likes we haven't seen since the Civil Rights Movement. Ms. Marsh, I am not a racist. I am an accomplished writer of young adult non-fiction works. I've written about the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Civil Rights Movement. I am white, and I never saw this race-baiting and race card playing coming. Certainly not from a man who professes to be inspiring, and a uniter. I've heard that term before and GWB was anything BUT a uniter. What if anything is left to do to try to settle everyone down? I truly believe that it's too late. I am a lifelong Democrat, but I will NEVER vote for BO. NEVER. To me that would be the same as voting for those who we cant wait to sweep clean from the White House... - JH
Hello Taylor, I was just reading your blog; 'Democratic Firestorm' and wanted to send you an e-mail so you can add me to the list. As a Clinton supporter, I always proclaimed that if Obama won the nomination, I would not only vote for him, but actively volunteer. My change of heart started in late January, when senator Obama proclaimed that he was "confident" that he would get Hillary supporters votes in the GE, but was not sure she could get his supporters votes. Somebody tell Senator Obama, that taking me for granted is not a way to gain my support... I must not be alone, my father who is a Clinton supporter but who readily defends Obama against the false reports about his faith, and upbringing, just told me last night that he 'didn't know if he could vote for him' in the GE. - RT
There are many, many more from whence these two came.
Other Democrats, Clinton supporters, say they will simply sit out the election if Obama is the nominee. The war is a deal breaker for many when it comes to John McCain.
This is real now. It's hardening further. It's at a stage where Obama may never recover the Clinton voters who once said they'd support him gladly. Reverend Wright's appearance on the scene and Obama's reaction to him, which doesn't pass the smell test, has made matters worse.
I am angry that the media has let Obama have a pass on so many things. Hillary has been grilled like crazy over every little word she has spoken.
I am sorry.....you cannot be a member of a church and not know what your pastor is preaching from the pulpit.
Listen to some of the things this guy said!
Friday, March 14, 2008
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My parents are 70 and I don't think they've voted R ever - but I bet they'll pull the lever for McCain as Barry scares the hell out of them.
The bad news for the Dems is if HRC gets the nod, the BO voters will stay home (or riot).
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