Sunday, April 20, 2008


The TOT has an unnatural disdain for Andy over on the Madonna blog. I do not understand it! I like Andy....and I have discovered that one of the following photos is actually a picture of ANDY!!!!


whogivesaFwhatIdo said...

Of course you like Andy. You've let him post non-stop babble on your blog for how long now?

None of the above. I've seen a picture of Andy.

Travis said...

I don't think any are Andy either, but I have a strong feeling that one of the last 2 are His Royal Crustiness. My gut tells me it's the one on the far right.

whogivesaFwhatIdo said...

LOL may be onto something there!

Travis said...

LOL! I knew it.

Glad I'm not alone.

ms generica to you!! said...

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...tarvis..fabulosity!! have u seen andys pic???????i have not..hmm wish i did...yes crusty m...when will you come clean?????its about ending now!