Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thank You


whogivesaFwhatIdo said...

Okay Crusty, so you're leaving, huh! I'm sorry to hear that. It doesn't really surprise me though, your heart hasn't been in it for quite some time. I don't know what happened. I guess you started seeing other bloggers and decided to dump us. You will be missed. You can't leave so quickly though....I am proposing to the Trinity of Terror that we each make a farewell video for you. You can be the judge and whoever wins gets the tacky Madonna tote bag that's been sitting at the bottom of your closet. We'll send you off in style, promise. Give us a few days to work on it. Oh, I know you're not Mental Madge, but let's just pretend you are for a moment. If you need Travis to write a funny last post for you, then you should take advantage of his talents. Just a suggestion.

Travis said...

Say it isn't so Crusty.

What will I do without you?

Probably exactly what I was doing before you stumbled into my blog world...

whogivesaFwhatIdo said...

Crusty is back Travis. You need to come directly to his blog rather than thru the emails because you're missing out on the mood swings. Crusty is back.

ms generica to you!! said...

which is it?? had better tell"m"for madness to get his her act together....and either get witty again or jump ship and fuk off.

as for tot...were here and were still crapped out by your dishonesty blog as you!! and get a grip

whogivesaFwhatIdo said...

I think the Madonna Blog has died or it needs some fresh air. Can you tell "M" (oh how that pains me to say that) that I would like to make a suggestion for the next post. Madonna is always talking about how she never reads magazines, newspapers or watches television, yet claims to be interested in the world around her. So where does she get her information, and how does that work exactly. I would like someone to explain that to me, because it annoys me for some reason.

Also, you need to share with us just how vulnerable you actually are so we can structure our Crusty videos accordingly. Travis somehow managed to reference your sphincter in his last post but hopefully it didn't make you jump. We don't want to push you over the edge but we do have our limits in how nice we are able to be. We are after all....The Trinity of Terror.

Travis said...

LOL, agreed Alcina, there are limits!

Crusty Connie was "doing an Andy" after all.....

"I'm leaving, I've had enough"

And, now he's back. Mood swings, anyone?

I think "M" (?) must have assistants that read the newspapers and magazines and then have to write reports to give to the Queen. Why would she risk getting newsprint ink on her zombie hands?

ms generica to you!! said... you ever communicate???you just cant seem to be bovered!! eh ??i mean honestly youre like"m"er..well yes thats ..another weve all had a gutfull of andys obsessive bahviour..i finally got through to madonna's people...hussar!! soon they should be closing down that cheerio m ehearties!!

whogivesaFwhatIdo said...

LOL Travis ...that explains it. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Who did you get thru to Paul? Andy is so crazy I feel sick after reading his nonsense. I just can't right now. I've reached my crazy quota.