I have told you all before that every day of my life can be expressed by the lyrics of a Connie Francis song......I have departed from the original theme of this page for months since the feud with the infamous Trinity of Terror. I have decided to devote no more than one post per week to the sinister group from Down Under and Out West. I am not sure why people from New Zealand get so uptight! I do appreciate the fact that Alcina agrees with me about Obama---I love her artwork about Nobama!
For the past month or so, all that I have had in my life is a Telephone Lover. You see my Significant Other (SO) has been on the road 6 out of 7 days of the week. You see, my lover is in the entertainment business and is gone most of the time. I basically have a Telephone Lover. I am not sure what I should do......I am financially secure, but my work is sporadic. I may go a month or so without working and then work nonstop for 30 days in a row. We used to be really close but now I wonder.......All my dreams have faded away these days.....Some things remain the same though.....When I call my telephone lover, it is as if I am talking to a brick wall. I ask--"What are you doing at night after your work on the road" and I am told that my lover has only gone to church, or gone to a ball game, or gone to a show or gone to a club with friends......but then my friends tell me these vile stories and I do not know who to believe. When we are together, the uncomfortable silence is so loud these days. It seems that we have nothing in common except our joint ventures. It seems that I am beginning to see the picture and it is very clear what I must do.
I think I am going to take a trup to New York. I need to get away from this house......I think I am going to suprise my telephone lover with a visit! Shock and awe will ensue....If anything wrong is going on, I will discover it when I arrive. I think I may go to a Yankees game while I am there and take in a show or two. I want to go to my favorite pub there as well.
I think I will have to buy an extra ticket for my bird Sonny since I cannot bear for him to stay here alone......His cage will take up a seat so I suppose that is the price one must pay when one loves his pet bird.
I have had the worst luck today......This morning, I could not find my keys and I lost a credit card----so I had to cancel it! or I had to get one of my employees to cancel it! I ran into an old friend from college. I talked to Shirley Mae for some time about my Telephone Lover while we were eating sushi at a local bar. She told me that it did not seem like there was ever a time where we were happy or peaceful in ourrelationship. Shirley Mae told me that at this point that I had to really stop worrying about my mate and really dig deep and decide what is best for me and my bird......
Words to live by----My flight is in a hour orso...I will let you know in a few days hw things turn out!
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