Monday, August 25, 2008


There are many things in this world that I dislike....I do not like Barack Obama....I still plan to be a McCain Democrat this fall......McCain would be smart to select a woman to be his VP choice---anyway----I digress----

I love Loretta Lynn---I am now watching my Coal Miners Daughter DVD for the 100th time-----Sissy Spacek is perfect in her portrayal of the Queen of Country Music...I love Loretta and Sissy! I was in Nashville this summer and toured the Country Music Hall of Fame on a whim....There was a Hee Haw exhibit where they were showing old shows with the commercials.........I was not that interested in watching it----but then I heard a commercial that I had not seen since I was a child! The Loretta Lynn Crisco commercial----where she fried chicken and was at the table with her family! DO you remember it? They also showed the commercial where she used Crisco to make her flaky pie crust....It made me go out to Kentucky Fried Chicken and get a bucket of chicken===I then went to the store and bought a pecan pie! I digress

The TOT has been unusually quiet---I am debating about whether to restart the madonna brother blog----but I am so busy these days---who has time!

I have not chatted with M in some time----M is so busy with various projects!

1 comment:

whogivesaFwhatIdo said...

I'm glad you weren't hypnotized by St. Obama. But unlike you I have left the Democratic Party to become a registered Independent. What Howard Dean, Donna Brazille and Botox Pelosi and others have done to the Democratic Party is inexcusable.

So I too will be voting for John McCain in November and am excited that a woman is going to be on the ticket with him.

I know you aren't Creepy Cristopher, but if you want to pretend that you were him, then I'll give you that.

It was fun while it lasted Crusty. Take good care of yourself and Sonny Boy.
