Now the question is this....Who sent it? There was no return address or note! Did my ex send it? Did Mediocre Travis send it to me? (I have been putting a lot of dedications to him on my blog---hehe!) Did Madonna herself send it to me? Do I have a secret admirer? So many thoughts have been going through my mind.
With my luck, this guy named Brad I work with sent it to me. Bless his heart.....Brad has some problems. He lives with his mother. He revealed to us last week that he never uses a towel or washcloth when he takes a shower. He only uses his hand and a hairdryer. NASTY!
Do any of you own a truly blue "True Blue" 45?
Brad's got problems? He's not the only one.
No, I'm not your secret admirer! Sorry.
I am crushed......I still don't know who sent me these packages! If you are my admirer,I would also like a scented Like a Prayer album or CD.
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