Sunday, December 23, 2007
Christmas Presents
Friday, December 21, 2007
THE Professional Debut of Ms. Bitch
More Massiel
New Massiel Video Clip!!!!!!
Secret Admirer Update

I blushed when the cute delivery boy from the florist came to my desk and delivered it to me. Noone has ever sent me flowers! I did some research and discovered that it cost at least 60 dollars. Someone must really like me!
After the terrible dates I have endured during the past few months, I had pretty much given up home about being able to kiss someone at Midnight on New Year's Eve. Maybe this admirer is a keeper.
With my luck, it is a joke.....There is this hot new guy that works in the office.....but there is also this new woman in the office as well.
Trinity of Terror United!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Conquest (Patti Page vs. the White Stripes)
Patty's biggest hits were "Tennessee Waltz" and "How Much Is the Doggie in The Window." Her last hit was probably "Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte", her interpretation of the theme song from the movie starring Bette Davis and Olivia De Havilland.
Do you like Patty Page's version or the White Stripes better???????
The Truth Shall Set You Free

He has t-shirts on his artwork that clearly state that he loves Connie and Crusty. I knew under those insults that have been hurled at me for months, there was a sweetie at heart. I have said for months that MT is cute......I am so glad that he is over this phase of hating me and my blog. The change is refreshing....Now if only that Ms. Bitch person could be convinced that my blog is a warm, open place full of love and light! MS B will one day see the truth and realize that she should love me and my blog, too!
This has been a wonderful day! Thank you Mediocre Travis for making my wonderful day even better! You have made my week. All my work has not been in vain!
I bet all of the dancing MT has been doing has made him have a change of heart! Have you all seen Mediocre Travis and his new dance routine? You can watch it by going to this web site: TRAVIS DANCES!!!!
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Butchering of a Christmas Classic: Stevie Nicks attempts to sing Silent Night
Trinity of Terror---THEY DANCE!!!!!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Ode to Mama Cass
LULU and MAMA CASS!!!!! (with Dudley Moore)
More Appropriate Theme Songs for the Trinity of Terror
1. THe Freaks Come Out at Night.....This song describes who would actually go to a TOT or MMAA meeting.
2. Wig in a Box.....I love this movie---and yet it could describe so many aspects of the TOT. I can see them meeting now at the trailer park, after they put on their makeup and put the wig back on their head. I know at least one of them has to be a "midnight checkout queen."
3. I Hate Myself for Loving You....The TOT can sing this song every day about how they know that they really love M....they really love me....they really love the Connie blog....they really love the Madonna blog!
I will try to think of some other more appropriate theme songs for the TOT real soon!
Bye Bye Birdie
Put on A Happy Face-----Dick Van Dyke
Spanish Rose---Chita Rivera---
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Church of the Poison Mind
I imagine this is the kind of videos that will be shown in the TOT Sunday School.......
Instead of having a sermon, this video will be shown at every service.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Trinity of Truth?

i Still think that the TOT are extremely jealous of M's blog. It gets their goat that people like Andi and the others religiously read M's blog. They don't have fans like M does! The only thing that you need to overcome is your pettiness! Your Arrogance! Your stupidity! Your Aloofnees.....Love needs to engulf your spirit.
I hope you overcome these things real soon......I know that your light will shine so much brighter if you will overcome these things.
The thought of a TOT church sounds real spooky! I suppose their hymns will include Vogue, Papa Don't Preach, Oh Father, and Music. It is hard to fathom what a worship service at the TOT church would be like. I suppose paintings of Madonna (not the Virgin Mary) would be plastered all around.
I am Shocked! I am Disappointed! This is an Outrage!
Read Mediocre Travis' cards below....and you will see what I mean! That is why he is permanently on my WEB SITES TO AVOID list!

Even though this really upset me,I have to say that I am forgiver. I forgive you Travis. I am one who gets upset and angry for a few minutes....I will get "hot under the collar" and then I let it go.......I forgive you. It sounds like you did not get what you wanted when you were younger for Christmas. Maybe you had a traumatic experience at Sunday School. Let your anger go! Let your anger go and you will become more productive! let it go and your art will flourish! let your anger go....and may peace engulf your spirit.
I know that deep down inside, there is a loving and warm Travis in there who truly wants to enjoy Christmas. I hope that you will let that Travis come out and play during this Christmas season.
Kaballah Curse (or Can't Some People Take A Joke) was a joke! (if you did not realize by now!)
Monday, December 10, 2007
James Thurber

I have always enjoyed the writings of James Thurber.
I was introduced to Thurber at an early age. My mom had a Columbia Records LP of the cast album of the Broadway show "Thurber's Carnival." I have been hooked ever since. I love Peggy Cass' speaking voice. My mother and grandmother always watched "To Tell the Truth" on TV and I always loved the panelists. I love to watch the old TTTT episodes on the Game Show Network/GSN. They used to show an episode every night on the BLACK AND WHITE OVERNIGHT. Now, you only get to see these classic episodes once a week. GSN is turning out to be like MTV.....These networks are just a shell of their former selves! I cannot stand AMC...American Movie Classics is a horrible channel! Thank goodness for TCM!
Anyway.....Watch Auntie Mame.....Peggy Cass is a riot in that film! She almost steals the show!

In junior high school, one of his short stories was in our literature book. I easily made an A on that test! I found this short story on the following web site:
by James Thurber
reprinted from
Fables For Our Time
Once upon a sunny morning a man who sat in a breakfast nook looked up from his scrambled eggs to see a white unicorn with a golden horn quietly cropping the roses in the garden. The man went up to the bedroom where his wife was still asleep and woke her. "There's a unicorn in the garden," he said. "Eating roses." She opened one unfriendly eye and looked at him.
"The unicorn is a mythical beast," she said, and turned her back on him. The man walked slowly downstairs and out into the garden. The unicorn was still there; now he was browsing among the tulips. "Here, unicorn," said the man, and he pulled up a lily and gave it to him. The unicorn ate it gravely. With a high heart, because there was a unicorn in his garden, the man went upstairs and roused his wife again. "The unicorn," he said,"ate a lily." His wife sat up in bed and looked at him coldly. "You are a booby," she said, "and I am going to have you put in the booby-hatch."
The man, who had never liked the words "booby" and "booby-hatch," and who liked them even less on a shining morning when there was a unicorn in the garden, thought for a moment. "We'll see about that," he said. He walked over to the door. "He has a golden horn in the middle of his forehead," he told her. Then he went back to the garden to watch the unicorn; but the unicorn had gone away. The man sat down among the roses and went to sleep.
As soon as the husband had gone out of the house, the wife got up and dressed as fast as she could. She was very excited and there was a gloat in her eye. She telephoned the police and she telephoned a psychiatrist; she told them to hurry to her house and bring a strait-jacket. When the police and the psychiatrist arrived they sat down in chairs and looked at her, with great interest.
"My husband," she said, "saw a unicorn this morning." The police looked at the psychiatrist and the psychiatrist looked at the police. "He told me it ate a lilly," she said. The psychiatrist looked at the police and the police looked at the psychiatrist. "He told me it had a golden horn in the middle of its forehead," she said. At a solemn signal from the psychiatrist, the police leaped from their chairs and seized the wife. They had a hard time subduing her, for she put up a terrific struggle, but they finally subdued her. Just as they got her into the strait-jacket, the husband came back into the house.
"Did you tell your wife you saw a unicorn?" asked the police. "Of course not," said the husband. "The unicorn is a mythical beast." "That's all I wanted to know," said the psychiatrist. "Take her away. I'm sorry, sir, but your wife is as crazy as a jaybird."
So they took her away, cursing and screaming, and shut her up in an institution. The husband lived happily ever after.
Moral: Don't count your boobies until they are hatched.
The Joy of Deleting Spam
I take delight in the futile attempts of the Trinity of Terror to somehow "sabotage" M's blog. You would think by now they would realize that their efforts are to no avail.
Could it be that M is Madonna?
Could it be that Madonna is paying M to do this blog?
Could it be that Madonna is in on the joke?
Could it be that the blog has Madonna's approval?
Or, better yet, could it be that some people are jealous that the Madonna blog is so much more popular than theirs?
It seems that some blogs are so unimportant that noone attempts to send harm their way. It is only when you are on top when people try to knock you down.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
A crumb
You can eliminate four choices on the poll question.
M is not Cher.
M is not one of Madonna's dancers.
M is not a lesbian from London.
M is not a Harley momma.
In addition, I am not M. No picture of M or myself has ever appeared on my blog.

Ms. Bitch has spoken mistruths about me once again..........MS B brought up again my post from weeks ago where I place a "death curse" upon Mediocre Travis. I suppose schools in Australia don't teach William Shakespeare anymore, since the curse

Anyway.....Since Alcina is an American, I know that she read Macbeth in school and understood the humor of my post. If I remember correctly, the entire "spell" is from Act IV of Macbeth.
Kay Starr
Kay's popular Christmas song.......This song is one of my favs! Madonna needs to do a cover of this classic!
An interesting song from some TV movie musical play from the 50's...The Pied Piper of Hamelin. This is "A Mother's Lament"
Kay and Friends sing the CHATTANOOGA CHOO CHOO
No Regrets
I never realized until a year or so ago that Edith originally sang this song in French.......Kay Starr, Brenda Lee, and Patsy Cline all sang English renditions of this song (among other artists) Hymne à l'Amour
L'Accordioniste-----One of Piaf's earliest major hits, a wartime song from 1942 by Michel Emer, himself a soldier about to leave for the front. It's about a prostitute in love with an accordionist who goes to war, doesn't return, and somehow cannot be replaced
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Dedicated to the Trinity of Terror
This songs truly describes the feeling that overtake me when I read the blogs of the TOT. They are not so terrorizing any more.
You are just being boring!
I feel that instead of hatred, there should be love...because love will keep us together!
Kids Are People Too
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Carol and Julie at Carnegie Hall---Big D
This is a spoof of "The Sound of Music"-----before Julie was in the movie!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Yet Another Insult/Accusation
This comes from Ms. Bitch's web site!
Lithargoel, on December 4th, 2007 at 8:41 am Said:
Hey Marco…you like how I told MS Bitch the other day?
She is so annoying in her rantings with only negativity coming out of her mouth
doesnt that sound like connie?/and "M"hmmm???
I thought that I had an unofficial truce with the Trinity of Terror, but it seems that they are up to their old and tired ways! I am now have a fourth identity?
Here are some of the people who I am not...........
- I am not Madonna.
- I am not Mental Madge.
- I am not Andy.
- I am not Lithargoel.
- I am not Santa Claus.
- I am not Mediocre Travis nor Ms. Bitch (thank god!)
- I am not in need of psychiatric help.
- I am not the person whose picture the TOT posted a few weeks back.
- I am not the author of the Madonna blog!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Funny Haiku

Here are some more funny haiku (what is the plural of haiku? haikae? haikus? anyone know?)
Who is "Andy"
I think it is great that Andy is such a huge fan of the Madonna blog. What is wrong with that? The madonna blog is of the best blogs on the Internet. I could only dream to have its audience and ranking on the blog sites. The traffic that blog has is unreal. I imagine that the Trinity of Terror's combined web traffic might be 1/20 of the madonna blog. It is that popular.
I wish I could write the stuff that is on that blog. It must be so cool to be Madonna! M is awesome!
I came across this today...........and it has inspired me!
Prayer for Peace
Make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred,
Let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine, Master,
Grant that I may seek
Not so much to be consoled,
As to console;
To be understood,
As to understand:
To be loved,
As to love;
For it is in giving
That we receive;
It is in pardoning
That we are pardoned;
It is in dying
That we are born to eternal life.
It does not matter if you are religious or not, these are words to live by. If everyone would follow 50% of these words by Francis of Assisi, the world would truly be a better place.
That is why I have created this blog. There are so many people who are in the dark about things. I feel that I have an obligation to enlight them. Some people and some sites are so sad. My blog is the only place where some can find joy! I love you all....even those who despise and ridicule you. I forgive you.
If you need ideas for side dishes and dips for your holiday meals, go to this web site:..,1976,FOOD_10234_25624,00.html..
I love Paula Deen.....but she has one recipe that I would be afraid to try! I love sushi, but I don't like that green wasabi stuff they give you with your sushi! She has a wasabi dip!
1 tablespoon wasabi powder (can be found in most grocery stores)
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1/2 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
Coarse salt
Reconstitute wasabi powder with 1 tablespoon of water to form a paste and set aside. Whip cream with a mixer until soft peaks form. Fold in the wasabi paste and lemon juice; salt, to taste. Refrigerate until ready to use.
Some people really need to take a vacation from blogging. Some of the posts on the Trinity of Terror sites have been so boring! Alcina always has some interesting tidbits, but when dying your hair is the highlight of your day, I feel that you need to just choose not to write a post on that day!
I flew to San Antonio this past weekend to watch the Big 12 Championship football game. Some friends had a luxury suite rented and invited me to come watch the game. I had never been to San Antonio, so I decided to go. I love football.....though I could have cared less about whether Oklahoma or Missouri won the game. I had a lot of fun on the Riverwalk there...too much fun....but I will not kiss and tell. It funny what some married friends will do when they are semi-drunk and not around their wives.....but that is another tale to tell!
The Riverwalk was decorated with lots of Christmas lights and luminaries/candles. I had never been to the Alamo before,so I visited this historic site. San Antonio was OK, but I doubt I will go back for some time.
I love sports......especially football! For my Australian readers, I love to watch Australian rules football, too. I am not sure why, but I think it is so funny how the referee makes this wierd motion with his hand when someone has scored in the AFL.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Watching this reminded me of Tammy.......I could not find a decent clip from "Tammy and the Batchelor" so this will have to do.........
Then you have "What's the Matter with Helen?"
Unfortunately, the person who uploaded this hilarious clip won't let you embed it in my click on the link above to see Debbie Reynolds and Shelley Winters in this classic movie.
Who knew that Debbie could play the guitar? I think this is from her Singing Nun movie.
Speaking of Shelley Winters.........A Patch of Blue!
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Crock Pot Story
This story is sad, but true. You see, I was born in a very rural area in Appalachia. My family did not have a lot of money. My dad worked in the coal mines and my mom did laundry and sewed dresses for the more well-to-do families who lived in town. Our little town was a company town, and we were miles from a hospital. An hour or so away......
My mom was ironing Mrs. Settle's dress when she went into labor......eight weeks early! She had planned to go to my Grandmother's home in Charleston so that she would be minutes from the hospital. She had heard horror stories about giving birth at home. My mom did not want a midwife to deliver her child.
She went to our front porch and yelled for Stella Ruth Roane.......She screamed, "Stella.....I need a ride to the clinic!" Stella was hanging laundry out on the clothesline....Momma said she threw down the bras she had just washed on the wringer washer and ran over to help her out. Stella had a car......and Daddy was at work. Stella drove Momma over to Doc Brown's clinic. Momma told me that she was screaming so much in the waiting room that Nurse Beasley had to slap her! They got Momma back to the one of the two patient rooms in the small clinic. Momma said that she cussed my daddy left and right. "You asshole.....You'll pay for this.....sticking that rod of yours en me and making me pregnant. I ain't never gonna let you poke me again!"
Well......Doc Brown said there was no time to take Momma to the hospital. She'd never make Nurse Beasley and Doc Brown somehow helped Momma deliver me....though they didn't have many modern medical conveniences. Now what? The ambulance would not be at the clinic for some time.......What would they do with me? The clinic did not have an incubator! All premature babies must be placed in an incubator! What were they going to do? just so happened that Nurse Beasley had celebrated her 25th wedding anniversary a few days earlier......and her husband, Joe Bob Earl had given her a new present. A crock pot. She had cooked a beef roast in her new crock pot....and she had made some chili the day before. Nurse Beasley had this bright idea....Why not put me in a crock pot until the ambulance came? It came with a lid? They could put some water in the crock put and turn it down low....It would keep me warm until the ambulance came.
And that is what they did....They actually put me in a crock pot.
And somehow.....I survived...It worked. Nurse Beasley and Doctor Brown saved my momma and me.........but scars from this beginning of my life still haunt me.........
There is more to the story....but this brings back painful memories from my childhood. I might reveal more of the story later.
She had to complete a project about a disease that is associated with the muscular system. My first thought......Pride of the Yankees...Lou Gehrig. Lou Gehrig's disease. So we work together and get some information together about Lou Gehrig's disease.
I was shocked about the history, signs, and symptoms of ALS. I knew there was still no cure for this disease.....but I did not realize that ALS was first diagnosed back in the late 1800's! I also did not realize how many people this disease affected.
I hope Tiffany learned as much about ALS as I did. I did not realize that approximately 5,600 people in the U.S.are diagnosed with ALS each year. The incidence of ALS (two per 100,000 people) is five times higher than Huntington's disease and about equal to multiple sclerosis. It is estimated that as many as 30,000 Americans may have the disease at any given time. I plan to donate some money this year to the ALS Association. Most of our research was conducted at their web site: I would suggest that you check out their web site and consider making a small donation.
Tiffany and I created a Powerpoint presentation using a clip from Lou Gehrig's farewell speech at Yankee Stadium, facts from the ALS Association web site, and other useful information we learned. She had never used Powerpoint before, so I was glad to assist.
It made me feel thankful for my good health. I don't have high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease. I could lose a few pounds, but I am in great health. I am very lucky. I need to eat a more healthy diet. I wish I could be a vegetarian, but I love meat too much. I have lost about 30 pounds since this summer by only eating beef or pork once a week. I eat chicken, fish, and turkey any time I want.....but I try to only eat beef and pork once a week. I need to eat more fruit and vegetables. It sure is hard to eat vegetables this time of the year.....When you have the choice between a salad and a piece of pumpkin pie, Pumpkin Pie wins every time! If I have the choice between a vegetable medley and Thanksgiving stuffing, I will choose the stuffing! I am so bad!
Still no word about the odd posts on the Trinity of Terror web sites. I have decided that they must be involved in some MMAA initation rite and that the person in the picture is their cult leader. To be honest, I am uninterested in what they are doing at this point. I am refocusing my inner self....and I hope to be more be more be more with it.
To the individual thus enlightened it appears as a vivid and overwhelming certainty that the universe, precisely as it is at this moment, as a whole and in every one of its parts, is so completely right as to need no explanation or justification beyond what it simply is....the mind is so wonder-struck at the self-evident and self-sufficient fitness of things as they are, including what would ordinarily be thought the very worst, that it cannot find any word strong enough to express the perfection and beauty of the experience...The central core of the experience seems to be the conviction, or insight, that the immediate now, whatever its nature, is the goal and fulfillment of all living.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I am Thankful
I know we all have our addictions. I am addicted to Massiel, the Internet, and food. There I will admit it....I love to eat! I am just thankful that I have never had to deal with the addiction of smoking cigarettes. I am not being judgmental or anything, but I have seen first hand how it has affected so many close relatives in my family.
Only one person in my immediate family (an in-law) smokes...and I am so worried. I don't want my little niece and nephew to not have a mother. I don't understand the addiction---I wish I knew how to help her stop!
Giving Thanks
This weekend, we had one of Paula's desserts from one of her cookbooks......Oh my god! It was pure sin!!!!!!
A New Dedication to the Trilogy of Terror
Someone Who Needs Me
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Leaving on A Jet Plane
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Brand New Me
You see things; and you say "Why?"
But I dream things that never were;
and I say "Why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw
In the last couple of days, I have taken stock of who I am and who I want to be. The focus of my blog for the past few weeks has been strictly on the Trinity of Terror. It is my goal to present the truth with love. I have not been accomplishing that goal here lately. I have always been of the opinion that karma is a vital part of our universe. Karma is the law that good begets good, and bad begets bad. Every action, thought, or decision one makes has consequences – good or bad – that will return to each person in the present life, or in one yet to come. We should love one another in order to remove chaos from the world.
I have decided that too much pettiness and too much ill will has filled my psyche. I have discovered that instead of light and love emanating from my soul, a stream of ill will and bad vibes have been broadcasted. I recently read this inspiring article:
F. Gulen has these inspiring words:
"Love is an elixir; a human lives with love, is made happy by love and makes those around him or her happy with love. In the vocabulary of humanity, love is life; we feel and sense each other with love. God Almighty has not created a stronger relation than love, this chain that binds humans one to another. In fact, the Earth is nothing but a ruin without love to keep it fresh and alive. Jinn and humans have sultans; bees, ants and termites have their queens; for each of these there is a throne. Kings and queens are come to power in different ways, and then they ascend their thrones. Love is the sultan that reigns on the throne of our hearts, with no power strugle being involved. The tongue and lips, the eyes and the ears only have a value as long as they carry the flag of love, yet love is only valuable in and of itself. The heart, the pavilion of love, is priceless because of the love it carries. Castles can be conquered without bloodshed merely by waving flags of love in front of them. Sultans become soldiers of affection when conquered by the soldiers of love.
We have been brought up in an atmosphere in which the victories of love are in our eyes and the sound of the drums of love resounds in our hearts. Our hearts beat with excitement when we see the flag of love waving. We have become so intertwined with love that our lives become purely dependent on love, and we dedicate our souls to it. When we live, we live with love, and when we die, we die with love. In every breath, we feel it with our whole existence; it is our warmth in the cold, and our oasis in the heat.
In this over-polluted world, where evil is everywhere, if there is something that has been left untouched and clean, that is love; among all the fading ornaments of this life, if there is a beauty that has preserved its magnificence and charm without fading, that is also love. There is nothing more real or more lasting than love in any nation or society in this world. Wherever the sound of love, softer and warmer than a lullaby, is heard, all other voices, all instruments, are muted, and they all join together in a contemplation of silence with their most melodic strains."
THEREFORE, I have decided to set a different tone for my blog. You will have to read posts in the coming weeks to see what I am going to set out to accomplish. Since I will be out of town until Saturday, feel free to enjoy "the old".....because I am bringing in the new very soon.Today, I will post my last dedication to Alcina, Mediocre Travis, and Ms Bitch for this month. Who knows.....I may dedicate something to them next month or next year. We will see since I am now on a new path.
I leave you with these words from the poet and Shining Star:
There are too many questions
There is not one solution
There is no resurrection
There is so much confusion
And the love profusion
You make me feel
You make me know
And the love vibration
You make me feel
You make it shine
There are too many options
There is no consolation
I have lost my illusions
What I want is an explanation
And the love profusion
You make me feel
You make me know
And the love direction
You make me feel
You make me shine
You make me feel
You make me shine
You make me feel
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
There is no comprehension
There is real isolation
There is so much destruction
What I want is a celebration
And I know I can feel bad
When I get in a bad mood
And the world can look so sad
Only you make me feel good
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
And the love profusion
You make me feel
You make me know
And the love intention
You make me feel
You make me shine
You make me feel
You make me shine
You make me feel
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
I got you under my skin
And I know I can feel bad
When I get in a bad mood
And the world can look so sad
Only you make me feel good
Monday, November 19, 2007
Wanted you all to know ahead of time!
A Note to Alcina
Mental Madge is going to hate me for writing this post. He doesn't like it when people tell the truth. Actually it makes him quite angry when people refuse to go along with his lies and games.
If he had been straight with us from the start, when he first created the Connie Francis blog, then I would never have taken it this far. In the beginning, he could have said to us plain and simple; yes, you're right, I am writing the Madonna blog, but because of my job it's important that I keep my identity private. I'd just like to get to know some of you outside of the Madonna blog.
That would have been the best way to handle it. Then I would have respected his need for privacy and gotten to know him on the Connie Francis blog as himself. Yet instead of treating us like intelligent human beings, he chose to go down the low road and layer lie after lie on top of lies. He treated us all like a bunch of imbeciles who weren't smart enough to figure it out.
I know who you are Mental Madge/Crusty Connie. Now I know your motivation for lying is based more on fear of your identity being made public than anything else, and I understand why. When you first revealed yourself on the Madonna blog, a lot of people were very angry with you. The media was even contacting you for interviews. You made it quite clear you didn't want to be famous.
Now I have to decide whether I should out you or not. At first I was just going to lay it out for all to see, but then I decided to give it some more thought. Yet there's no doubt in my mind that I have uncovered your TRUE identity.
My response is basically this....I am not M or Mental Madge. This is the only blog that I write. That is all I have to say about the matter.
A Retraction
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Apology Accepted
However, I am very upset at Mediocre Travis. I apologize up front for the language.....I don't use such vile words as he does.......but here is what he posted on his blog:
- Alcina has unearthed definitive proof that Crusty Connie is indeed Mental Madge. So the sham, as far as I'm concerned is well and truly over. As always, I would have had a glimmer of respect for Connie, if he just had of admitted to it in the first place, instead of telling countless lies in an attempt to fool more people. Despite his many pleas to believe that he isn't and never has been Mental Madge, he's been outed as a ever bigger fake, if indeed that is possible! A fraudulent, lying sack of shit! Not all of us are suckers, Crusty, I always believed you were one and the same, swaying only slightly because you didn't seem as stupid Mental Madge, but obviously you are, or you would have covered your tracks better.Crusty Connie, if you read this, get help. You really do need it. Your unbalanced, unhealthy and certifiable. If you weren't such a good for nothing liar, I would feel sorry for you. I have heard from Alcina and Ms Bitch that you are saying that I sent you an email to apologise to you! As if that would happen!, I can think of nothing that I wouldn't do more. Fess up, or shut up.
- All the details are on Alcina's latest blog entry! If you can't read the entry, read the comments where it is posted again, or click the mail symbol and you can read it.And not to be too particular, Ms Bitch, but I think that if he hated you more, you would have ended up with your own death curse!!!! I win, he hates me more! LOL. But then again, you only hate the ones you love, so perhaps he loves me more! I don't know. Who can work out how the mind of the deluded works.
- Well said, again! I have to be completely honest. I broke the rules and visited Crusty's blog to see the response. Predictable as always. More denial and lies. It's so ridiculous. I refused to leave a comment, even though I wanted to throw insults again. So I'll see you at the MMAA meetings? It's been so lonely going to the meetings all by myself!
- Good detective work!!!!It's so nice to finally have proof and feel vindicated in our fued with Crusty Connie. I can't believe that the evidence was so easily accessable the whole time! I didn't even think to look.I'm starting to really think that the whole person, that is Mental Madge, Crusty and all the other personalities really has deep social or mental health issues! To spend so much time lying, playing mind games, it's actually quite sad, not to mention extremely pathetic.I was saying to Paul the other night on the phone, that I couldn't understand why someone would spend so much time denying that they were Mental Madge, if it was true that they weren't.He'll just deny it again, but it's too late for his usual lies, there is proof now.
All I have to say to MT is this.....
- You have the right to choose whether you believe that M's blog is real or not.
- You have the right to believe I am M. (which I am not).
- You have the right to believe that Crusty Connie and Mental Madge are two different people (which we are--I suppose--if you use those terrible labels) or the right to believe we are the same person.
All I can say is that I am my own person. I only write one blog---this one!
I don't have anything to say to Ms Bitch at this time....she has been unusually quiet here lately!
Lack of Evidence
Alcina has now gone so far as to remove me from her blog roll...I am so disappointed and hurt!
I freely admit that I was asked at times to promote M's blog when it was in its infancy.......and I posted those comments under my nonpersonal user name.....If you look hard enough, I posted some things for M's blog on several message boards. I imagine you can easily find them....I think I posted one on a Dave Barry message board in Miami as well.
You can believe what you want to believe...but I have only these comments:
1. Your evidence is a form of hearsay and would probably be inadmissible in court. It would also violate the Best Evidence rule since you would have to have evidence from the owner of the web site or server to prove the authorship of those posts. It would be hard to prove in court that even though I freely admit to having a user name suxmariahsux, anyone could create the same user name and post items.
2. Since I was out of town for the last 24 hours, how could I have made any M posts?
3. I cannot be in two places at once. How could there be posts on my blog and at the M blog at the same time? If you look at both of the blogs, there is at least one time when 2 items were posted at identical times on the same day. Impossible for one person to do on the same computer at the same time.
4. Your evidence is circumstantial at best.....and your evidence does not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that I am indeed M.
Anyway.......though I thought this subject was resolved weeks ago...I will reiterate the facts:
1. I am not M.
2. I am not Mental Madge.
3. I know M very well, but we are two totally different people.
I will end with this last vow.....promise...oath
If M and I are the same person, may these following things happen:
- May Connie Francis die a vicious and cruel death.
- May Mariah Carey become the #1 singer of all time.
- May a Mariah Carey song become the National Anthem of the US, Great Britian, and Australia.
- May my blog be closed down forever.
- May my bird die in a violent ceiling fan accident.
- May I be forced to watch Glitter for eternity.
- May I be forced to live under a George Bush presidency forever
- May I be forced to live with Andy from the M blog.
- May I be forced to listen to Slim Whitman albums while I work.
- May I be forced to never post dedications to anyone ever again.
- May I be forced to eat my bird's poo poo
I have to now unpack, do laundry, and catch up on some things. I had a great visit with my family. I ate too much....especially birthday cake! It is good to be back home though. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! I plan to post four dedications tonight----one for Mediocre Travis, one for Ms. Bitch, one for Alcina, and one for someone else.
Oh---BTW---before I go...............Ms. Bitch, I do not hate you the most........In fact, of the three members of the Trinity of Terror, you intrigue me the most. I am not about hate anyway......I am about the truth....and I truly stand by it. I truthfully attest that I am not M or Mental Madge or anyone else. I am just me.....your sweet "Crust Connie"
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Tiny Tim!
TIPTOE through the TULIPS
Some Australian song called Snake Gully Swagger........never heard of it......and he does not do that wierd thing with his voice in this clap........He almost tries to sing in least as normal as Tiny Tim can do.
and last---BING CROSBY.......BOBBIE GENTRY........and TINY TIM????
ITALIAN CHER!!! Cher sings in Italian!
HALF BREED----CHER---on a horse----HALF BREED---an Indian outfit---Clasic!
I GOT YOU BABE!!!! SONNY and CHER on Hullabaloo
This version is OK...........You might like their version!
One of my Birthday Presents!
#1 The Chocolate Factory Episode
#2 Vitameatavegamin
#3 Bitter Grapes (not on my DVDs :( )
#4 The Freezer Episode
#5 Pioneer Women
HONORABLE MENTION............I always loved the Tallulah Bankhead episodes.........I also loved Tallulah in "Lifeboat", the Hitchcock classic...
I think these are actually from the Luci-Desi Comedy Hour specials.....