Alcina has now gone so far as to remove me from her blog roll...I am so disappointed and hurt!
I freely admit that I was asked at times to promote M's blog when it was in its infancy.......and I posted those comments under my nonpersonal user name.....If you look hard enough, I posted some things for M's blog on several message boards. I imagine you can easily find them....I think I posted one on a Dave Barry message board in Miami as well.
You can believe what you want to believe...but I have only these comments:
1. Your evidence is a form of hearsay and would probably be inadmissible in court. It would also violate the Best Evidence rule since you would have to have evidence from the owner of the web site or server to prove the authorship of those posts. It would be hard to prove in court that even though I freely admit to having a user name suxmariahsux, anyone could create the same user name and post items.
2. Since I was out of town for the last 24 hours, how could I have made any M posts?
3. I cannot be in two places at once. How could there be posts on my blog and at the M blog at the same time? If you look at both of the blogs, there is at least one time when 2 items were posted at identical times on the same day. Impossible for one person to do on the same computer at the same time.
4. Your evidence is circumstantial at best.....and your evidence does not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that I am indeed M.
Anyway.......though I thought this subject was resolved weeks ago...I will reiterate the facts:
1. I am not M.
2. I am not Mental Madge.
3. I know M very well, but we are two totally different people.
I will end with this last vow.....promise...oath
If M and I are the same person, may these following things happen:
- May Connie Francis die a vicious and cruel death.
- May Mariah Carey become the #1 singer of all time.
- May a Mariah Carey song become the National Anthem of the US, Great Britian, and Australia.
- May my blog be closed down forever.
- May my bird die in a violent ceiling fan accident.
- May I be forced to watch Glitter for eternity.
- May I be forced to live under a George Bush presidency forever
- May I be forced to live with Andy from the M blog.
- May I be forced to listen to Slim Whitman albums while I work.
- May I be forced to never post dedications to anyone ever again.
- May I be forced to eat my bird's poo poo
I have to now unpack, do laundry, and catch up on some things. I had a great visit with my family. I ate too much....especially birthday cake! It is good to be back home though. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! I plan to post four dedications tonight----one for Mediocre Travis, one for Ms. Bitch, one for Alcina, and one for someone else.
Oh---BTW---before I go...............Ms. Bitch, I do not hate you the most........In fact, of the three members of the Trinity of Terror, you intrigue me the most. I am not about hate anyway......I am about the truth....and I truly stand by it. I truthfully attest that I am not M or Mental Madge or anyone else. I am just me.....your sweet "Crust Connie"
If I have falsely accused you then I wholeheartedly apologize. You are right, the evidence does not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you're the author of the Madonna Blog. At the same time your point about the time zones does not prove you're not. We can set out blogs to any time zone we choose.
Please don't be offended or hurt because I removed you from my link list. I'm probably going to delete my blog so it doesn't matter either way.
I meant to say "our blogs" not out.
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