Here is Alcina's entry in the Trinity of Terror art contest! I guess Ms. Bitch is represented by Madonna. I am not sure who Connie and my bird represents. Alcina did just "flew the coop" the past few days, so I guess my bird represents Alcina! Mediocre Travis is represented by Connie I guess.....I knew that we were meant to be together! hehe
Alcina, one of my friends wants to know how you did this? What program? What layers? etc.....Care to divulge your secrets?
I will also give my interpretation of Alcina's poem:
bird lovin' (I do love my bird!)
la la la obsessin' ( I do get obsessed over Massiel and LaLaLA)
burger man datin' (One bad date......BK....'tis true....but this is over!)
song dedicatin' ( I love to dedicated songs...This is dedicated to the one I love!)
Mental Madge denyin' (I don't deny...I speak the truth! )
mask wearin' ( I have not worn a Halloween mask in years....I dressed up as a witch.)
Connie (That's not my name...but oh well! My names starts with of the letters in Connie though!)
That is cool.....What kind of camera?
Crusty Connie,
Why will you find meaning in Alcina's poem and not mine????? How hurtful!
Here is a copy of the poem I wrote in response to the "Cinquain" you wrote to me. I would be very interested to hear your thoughts!
Sneaky con artist,
Lecturing, lying, blogging
Unable to grasp reality,
I can't believe this was over 5 years ago! Crusty, you popped into my mind tonight. I'm not so sure that was a good thing. :P
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