- Karma's a bitch! Are you sure it's the other people that are the problem? Are you a dream date yourself? One would imagine, not-so-much. Going on about Connie Francis, La La La and dedicating songs to your date on the jukebox. Wearing a mask because you couldn't possibly let your date know "who" you are!No, but surely it's them that is at fault. Your a catch!
- If there is something you want to say, then say it. But stop wasting my and everybody else's time.I'm not that interested.
- Are you the old hag dressed all in black in the first video? That was the closest guess I could come up with.I'm sure it was just a character in disguise, because you wouldn't want to show your real face, given "who you are". LOL, get over yourself!None of us care THAT much.
- I'm sure enough people dislike you in your real life, assuming you have one!. I've had enough. Your more negative than the Mental Madge that you claim to not be, repeatedly!You can get fucked.
- Is this why you wanted us to visit your blog again. To be a patronising bitch? Gee, was it really worth it?
- Fake signs quite suit a fake blog.
- Put down the Peanut Butter Cups, they won't bring you happiness, and they won't respect you in the morning.... But then, neither would I!!!!!
- I believe, Crusty Connie, that sharing a love for a common movie is not enough to ensure a healthy marriage! Unless you are rich, in which case, you should fly me (first class) to your country of origin, where I can attempt to ignore you in person, whilst shopping up a storm on your credit card and you try to play lame mind games.
- ConnieSneaky con artist,Lecturing, lying, bloggingUnable to grasp reality,Crap
- I'm not that interested.
- I've said it once Crusty Connie, but I'll say it again. I'm not interested in playing games, following clues, or fucking around.
- I’m reinstating MMAA, and the personal ban on this idiot’s blog,
- As Divine's character said in Hairspray, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear she was mental!”
- I should have no problem doing it to a cyber nobody, who is so lost in fraudulence, that they wouldn’t know the truth if it bit them.
- As is probably obvious) It was the realisation that I don’t want to waste anymore time or energy on such a hypocritical, non-entity, waste of space. Connie is a ludicrous imitation of a real person. A lying, pathetic, patronising con artist.
- So Connie can well and truly, GET FUCKED
- I'm also slightly embarrassed that I lowered myself to Connie's level and threw insults around. But I honestly don't mind if a few stick!
- good riddance to bad rubbish
- Is it the lame poetry and boring Youtube dedications?, or the recent marriage proposal?, or pet bird pictures?, that keep me coming back for more. Am I that desperate for love and attention, that I'll accept it from where ever it shows itself?
- Why would I recommend to others that they waste their precious time on yet another fake blog? Much less, for me to refer to Crusty as a friend.
- I find Crusty Connie’s blog ambiguous, ambivalent and vague at best. The blog is the ugly, slightly retarded, twin sister of the Fake Madonna Blog.
- Perhaps it's just me, but I think Crusty Connie's date with 'George' may have looked something like the scene above, except apparently it took place in a Burger King.
- Let it be known, that the day I start needing to take artistic leads from Crusty Connie is the day I happily stop painting. The only inspiration I would take from him/her is to do paintings of non-entities, the deluded, the fraudulent and the ever so fucking bland.
- I personally believe that George is just another figment of Connie's imagination, or perhaps another personality that will soon start a different fake blog.
- I hope you all appreciate my dedication to reading and commenting on Crusty Connie's blog. I read it, so that you don't have to. It alone, is my cross to bear
- I hate to admit that I couldn't resist knowing what bullshit Connie was writing about, these days.
- Your not real to me, I don't even know your gender, although I could hazard a guess, much less your name. So sleep easy, there is no hate. I just think your a fraud, is all.
- I'm 100% percent positive that Connie, Mental Madge and all the other multiple personalities stem from the one defective mind. Get a life, get help or get both, you need it!
- Regarding the post below regarding the 'Puppet Master Revealed', I'm 99.9% confident that it is yet another Mental Madge persona, 'Crusty Connie', writing yet another fake blog. It's kind of insulting that Mental Madge thinks I'm stupid, or at the very least as naive as the 'believers' on the Fake Madonna Blog. I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but if it smells like shit, looks like shit, chances are, it's shit.
- Crusty Connie has posted on the new fake blog, a youtube of Carrol Burnett singing, 'You light up my life', with the heading: You Light Up My Life (Mediocre Travis).Aw, shucks..... Er, Creepy! I've always wanted to get a Restraining Order against someone.
- You have to be cruel to be kind, I guess. If I wasn't confident that it was Mental Madge, I would feel guilty about being an arsehole! The way it stands, I stand by my 'creepy' comment. Too harsh?
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Nasty Things MT has said about me
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sad that you keptall those comments....and the words have ads in them...tackoramalama......fuk you and M"are just sad
Many of those comments are from his blog. I believe in free speech. I don't reject any comments....If you want to say it, then you can say it. I am not sad....I am in a great mood! I am "da bomb" as M says....hehe! Is that video really you?
i cant say whether its me!! i may be sued...!!lol look im glad you put comments on...how come andy doesnt ??hehe or whyhavent you got"M"on your blog roll????
And you'll also have to choose a name that someone else isn't using.
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