Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Free Speech

I am all about free speech. If you want to comment on my blog, you may comment all you want. I can take it. Many bloggers (including M on) approve all comments on their blog. What's up with that?

Just the other day, M told me what pleasure M gets when Ms Bitch leaves comments...A sense of euphoria overcomes M every time M pushes the DELETE button. M has done this now for almost two years!!! M is a riot! M reports that Ms. Bitch has left nasty comments for almost two years and that thousands of comments have been deleted in that time.

For once, I disagree with M....M should allow all to comment on the Madonna blog. I think Ms Bitch is funny......I am growing to tolerate you more and more. Someday, I may even like you! I still have not learned from Ms Bitch if that is really her on the video that was posted on Mediocre Travis' blog.


whogivesaFwhatIdo said...

I've never deleted any of MM's mean comments....everything is posted...although she's deleted a few of mine. I'd just prefer to read them first...that's all.

ms generica to you!! said...

"m"isa potentially unstable attention whore with delusions of grandeur!! mental is more than apt!!oh and with a decidedly bad memory!!umm two years?????really now??i have only been looking at fakers blog since about april....idiot stupid "m' sometimes i actually have left decidedly logical comments.....their idea of "nasty'is not mine!! methinks that "andy's" rambling mental diatribes on religoes nonsense thatactually have nothing to do on the posts that"m'leaves for example..the fascinating "poo"posts that they did months ago!! must be tedious coming up with material as"madonna"" whhen you have to repeat toilet humour!!im not sure why "she"feels the need to get glee from deleting and then posing s me when the need suits!! surely their massively deluded ago should go beyond their sad life to post somevery logical innocent comments...yes i have been"mean"at times ..and yes...i very well should be!!"m"should be made accountable to that nasty negative fraud!!!!.......however you look at it!! its pretty fucked!! when they delete me and put about no kidding!! 20 comments fromandy!!!!in one post!! and all about how they love m and adore worship etc..truly mental shit!!!!! so you actually think that "m"hasnt got a fucked up deluded ego?????whats with all the "fun"about having strange religeous comments from a mentally deranged fan who thinks that they hav ethis "friendship"with madonna???is that actually positive??to keep up a pretense of being "madonna'to some people????? least my comments are true to form..bitchy and real!! and always condemning this truly deluded fucked up fraudelent blogger!! who cant even count how long ive been commenting!! stupid sad deluded mental"m"sad fucker!! cant evenpost anything interesting apart from....""hows my look?????(as in madonna) "my new photo shoot) (my pooos float!!)and itwa sthe same pic from months ago!!sad sadder and saddest!