Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I have not posted in some time due to the fact that I have been recovering from being sick...I have also been so HURT by the posts placed on my blog by the TOT. I normally do not let things bother me, but the TOT web sites and posts here have upset me so much, that I almost decided to stop blogging all together.

BUT then a friend told me that I am better than that....Noone should steal my sunshine! I will rise like yeast in bread. I will rise like the sun.

It is refreshing to realize that when you are down and out or in a sad mood, there is always other people out there who are in a lot worse shape than you are. For instance, watch these Brenda Dickson videos....Bless her heart!

I learned so much from her in this videos.....Did you know that "fruits are predigested"????? Brenda reveals that you should cut your calories in half if you want to lose weight! So informative! I did not realize until I watched her video that mushrooms are a type of vegetable! Did you?

I'm still hurt from the insults hurled at me by the TOT!

When I want to laugh, I listen to this dreadful video starring CHER singing a remake of the Madonna classic Frozen.


whogivesaFwhatIdo said...

I don't know if you're joking or not. If you are have to acknowledge that you put up a poll of HATE. Don't act like you're full of light and love when you're not. From my point of view, all the joking around was in good fun...I'm sorry if you took it any other way. You can be assured that I will no longer be blogging about you or your other persona. I truly hope you are feeling better. Happy Valentine's Day!

Travis said...

Get over yourself Connie, if it wasn't for your "war" on the "trinity of terror", you'd have a pretty empty blog. Just a few lonely, (and misguided) song choices, that no one watches.

The only reason I have blogged about you was in retaliation for the hate-filled, hypocrictical shit you write about others, myself included.

I see that I'm still winning your hate-poll. With only 9 hours left, I imagine my fellow candidates will concede, and that I have won. So best you wrap up the trophy and pop it in the mail.

I would be more than happy to never mention your name again on my blog. I'd be more than happy to call another truce. But I don't think you want that, you can dish it out, but can't take it. Such a fucking hypocrite!

Happy Valentines Day.