Friday, February 1, 2008

Rumors of My Demise are Untrue

I am not dead.....I have been sick though. I had pneumonia, believe it or not. Today is the first day that I have felt like doing anything. I was in the hospital a few days, but I have been home for a week or so recuperating. My little bird had missed me so much while I was gone. I know that the Trinity of Terror were all hoping that I had kicked the bucket. I know that the TOT will be sad to hear that I am back.

I really practiced some random acts of kindness the past few weeks.....

1. I told my male nurse at the hospital how cute he was.
2. I emailed everyone in my address book in Outlock Express to go to Mediocre Travis' web site so they could learn how not to write a blog. I felt that this act of kindness would help them learn how to create superior blogs by recognizing what was wrong with MT's.
3. I left an old Mariah Carey CD that I bought years ago in the hospital waiting room so that someone else might enjoy the music of that old hag. A friend had the audacity to bring a few CDs for me from home and found that old CD somehow!
4. I voted for Hillary Clinton. Since I have been sick, I got an absentee ballot and voted. I hope she cleans up this mess that Bush has created. It took a Clinton to clean up the mess of the first President Bush and it will take another Clinton to clean up the mess made by this Bush.
5. I gave a little kid a dollar while I was in the hospital.

Now that I am feeling better, I will post every day.

Sorry I have been AWOL, but I know you all understand.

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