Friday, August 13, 2010


I spoke to the former author of the Madonna blog and the writer sadly reports that the Madonna blog no longer exists. The author is so busy with concerts, creating music, and raising money for children in Africa that the author of the Madonna blog cannot spend time with fans. THe writer of the blog is sad.

Alcina, you are not blocked from the Madonna blog because it no longer exists.


whogivesaFwhatIdo said...
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Travis said...


Um Crusty, you may want to go and hit delete again on the Fake Madonna Blog, cos it's still there. Andy will be devasted, but I'm sure he'll move inspirational Jesus-bedchamber-of-delusion onto your Bipolar Britney blog instead.

yeah Crusty, proof of life, or I stop payment on all future cheques.

whogivesaFwhatIdo said...
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Travis said...

I have no idea. Too scary to imagine him without his daily Madonna release.