Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Laughing at Ignorance

I am touched at how many of you missed me while I took a vacation from blogging. One blog post has received so much attention on here! It amazes me still that some people have this misconception that I write the Madonna blog. I laugh at your ignorance! It seems that the numerous clues that I posted during the past few months have not made it clear the true identity of the Madonna blogger. Someday, I may just come out and blurt the secret....but it seems unfair to those who emailed me and told me that they had figured the riddle out. What does one do?

It seems that my post did get the panties of the TOT in a wad. It seems that they do not have a sense of humor sometimes. I have not decided what the winner of the new poll contest will be awarded. I think a Plastic is Tragic tote bag might be appropriate! I am not sure. I myself have not voted in the poll because I do not hate Mediocre Travis nor Ms. Bitch. At least not today! :)

I was happy to hear that many of you decided to perform a random act of kindness based on my post. Isn't it rewarding to do nice things? (even if you do them for the wrong reasons!)


1. Visit this web site: http://www.actsofkindness.org/index.asp
2. Pay a compliment to every person you encounter today.

Here are some examples:

1. Ms. Bitch, I love your wig!
2. Mediocre Travis, I read your blog today and I was so inspired. Keep up the good work.
3. Madonna, I loved your performance in Shanghai Suprise. You are the greatest actress of all time.
4. Britanny, you are such a good mother.
5. Alcina, your latest artwork is "da bomb."

Sometimes, you have to stretch the truth when paying one a compliment. (See #2 and 3 above.) Sometimes, you have to tell a little white lie. (See #1.) Other times, you have to just have to make up something in order to pay someone a compliment...you have to just lie through your teeth. (see #4). Other times, you can be honest and truthful in your compliments. I encourage all of you to try this during the next 24 hours. I know I feel better already!

I did not eat beef or pork today. I ate a piece of rye bread for breakfast. I ate Strawberry sorbet for a snack. I had a tasteless Lean Cuisine meal for lunch. I was bad and had Chicken Enchiladas at a Mexican restaurant tonight! I am still keeping all the weight off that I lost.

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