Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Addicted to Tower Defense

I have not written a blog entry in some time. I am sorry....The Trinity of Terror sites have been so tired and boring here lately that I have not been inspired to blog. In addition, I have become addicted to this free online game called Tower Defense. It is wonderful tool in relieving stress.

My three NEW YEAR's resolutions are the following:

1. Create blog entries that are far superior to those of the Trinity of Terror. (I know you are saying....your blog entries are always superior than those of the TOT! I know--I know---but I want my posts to be FAR superior. I am raising the bar. This blog entry does not count. I am still weak from the stomach virus!)
2. I will eat beef and/or pork no more than two times per week. I have lost almost 25 pounds in the past few months!
3. I will do more to help others.

I am been enlightened by the following web site: http://www.helpothers.org/

My way to help others today is called LONG DISTANCE KINDNESS. I am asking my friends (and foes) from other places to donate a book to a random person. Here is how....

1. Find a book.
2. Inscribe the inside jacket of a book with your favorite quote and your home city.
3. Leave it in a public place.

I encourage the TRINITY of TERROR to try this as well. NO MADONNA BOOKS!

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