Thursday, May 8, 2008


To tell the truth, I am telling the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!


whogivesaFwhatIdo said...

To Tell the Truth:

Rather than just ignore you, I thought I would leave one last message to explain to you why I'm not going to visit your blog or post messages anymore. The Madonna blog needs no further explanation, that place is a toxic waste site. I haven't been there since Monday and I already feel better. But back to my point, you rarely if ever leave messages on our blogs or comment back and forth with us when we leave messages on yours, so what is the point? Why should we continue to try and communicate with you? You post a string of vague videos to communicate what you think or feel and we're suppose to keep coming back? You say you broke up with your significant other so you can continue blogging. What, so you can continue to communicate in the most vague way humanly possible with the few people who visit your blog? LOL! Does that make any sense whatsoever? I have no idea what is going on with you Crusty.

Travis said...

To Tell The Truth:

Crusty, I second Alcina's motion to ignore this blog and no longer post comments, just to be ignored by you in return.

Hopefully your other "thousands of readers" will pick up the slack, and comment on your vague entries, only to be ignored in return.

Quite frankly, I have more important things I could be doing.

ms generica to you!! said...

i third that motion...motion carried !!!