Monday, November 5, 2007

Gag Gifts

During my lunch break today, I had to go by the drug store to fill a prescription. I had some extra time, so I looked around for a while and I found some great gag gifts! For a dollar, they had Richard Simmons Sweatin' videos! on VHS! They will be a hoot to give out for Christmas!

Actually, I love Richard's energy. Yes, he is campy, but he seems to genuinely care for overweight people who need help. We all could learn some lessons from Richard. Think about all the people who are alive today because of the Deal-a-meal! Think about all the people who have lost weight due to Sweatin to the Oldies. Think about all the Chinese women who have jobs making all the shorts and tanktops he has worn over the years!

I think that Richard Simmons should be the subject of Mediocre Travis' next artwork!

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