Friday, November 9, 2007

News from M

M is better spirits today. The legal issues have been resolved and the new site is growing and doing well. M told me to let you all know that the new blog is #19 on Wordpress's chart for Fastest Growing New Blogs. This is wonderful news.

1 comment:

ms generica to you!! said...

what a load of nonsense!! you aee just perpetrating a fraud!! sorry havent you or"M"as you put it noticed that its tre tre borish to be a fake anything!! no 19??yea and whays that??only reason is that people..(stupid people)think its madonna!! itwouldnt be popular if it was just the blogger being themselves as you "seem "at least to be doing!! sorry it aint funny y'all ..what was so very difficult about putting up a disclaimer ??nothing !! just an arrogant stuoid blogger that couldnt stand people not commenting to "madonna""either be real or be funnier and put up a disclaimer and keep going as a for example.."disgruntled madonna clone!! anything......why do you think we "threee"are pissed off??coz connie its blatant fraud!! and its stupid childish and not ta all positive or anything just feeds deluded beleivers and they all seem to be religeous mental "andy""why does m post the commenst 'to madonna"???that in itself is fucked up!! if it was a parody in truth m shoul dalways let people only post to "m"not actually allmkaes sense!!